Session 9 A Daring Rescue and Vallaki


Myrtle, Jasper, Ludo, Danika Martikov


Our heroes are desperately fleeing the windmill and their hideous foes, Offalia and Granny. With no inkling of when Bella might come back to this plane, the adventure party runs until their very feet are burning with fatigue.


They see before them a narrow, dimly lit path. Should they chance taking an unknow road? What choice do they have? They take the path and run straight into a clearing, with a large circle of stones. Etched on the stone are images from long ago – of a woman with a third eye, trees, and ravens. Fair Ireena tells her friends that the ravens who are perched all around are a good sign. Thaldir points to a narrow crevice where they can safely take a short rest.

Not rested, but resolute…


Mostly healed, but still exhausted, our wandering friends decide that the windmill – and the evil women who dwell there – cannot stand. “No one deserves a meaty delicious fate such as this,” cries Thaldir. He tries to set aside his one remaining pie, but, alas, the pull of his addiction is far too great. Resolute, he slips it back into his pack without taking a single bite.

Syrren, the Sith Lord and Geriatric Romeo, volunteers to scout the windmill if they all return. So, once again, by the low light of the fading moon, they go toward the gray windmill. Syrren shapeshifts into the form of a wily rat, scurries inside, up the stairs, and sees no sign of the evil women. To his surprise, when he reaches the third floor, he hears frightened cries from what sounds like children.


When he returns to the group and tells them what he found, Tilly volunteers to go inside and get the children. With her amazing athletics and lithe form, she attaches the grappling hook to the arm of the windmill and swings inside the 2nd floor window. Syrren, still a rat, ascends to the third floor behind her.

Tilly finds Myrtle, Jasper, and Little Ludo in cages, where they’ve been left by the evil witches. Having been sold to the hags for pies by their parents, they have seen the witches kill their friends and make them into pies. Tilly puts her thieves tools to good use, freeing the three cherubs. Meanwhile, Syrren formulates a plan to foil the witches, should they return. He spikes their beds with knives, shards, and other sharp objects. Chuckling as he sets this trap for the beastly babes, he makes a small discovery: a handful of assorted jewelry.

Swiftly, Tilly runs down the stairs with her three new charges and helps them down the rope. Syrren follows, and the five of them escape out the window. As they rejoin the group, Syrren pulls the jewelry from his pocket to be examined by Term, who casts a divine ritual to identify any magical properties. Sadly, this is likely the jewelry that belonged to a few departed (and cannibalized) souls, or was blood money to buy those crack-like, addicting pies. The group continues along the road to Vallaki, hoping to find rest, shelter, and a home for their three little friends.


Ahead of them, the group, including three junior adventurers, sees a skeleton astride a horse. The figure holds up his unlit lantern as though looking for something…or someone. Then, as quickly as he appeared, he rides into forest.


A while later on the road to Vallaki, the band of merry warriors finds combat once more, as a group of needle blights emerged from the darkness. Tilly led the attack by shattering two of the disgusting needle-laden sloths and bloodying several. Syrren shifted quickly into a vicious tiger and took a deadly bite from the foe before him. Term, Thahldir, and Ireena finished the bloodied blights. Aydin brought the battle to a finish, as we tore the final blight to shreds.


Onward the group traveled, until they came upon a gate, guarded by two dark figures, flanked on either side by spikes with the heads of wolves atop them. The guard grants the adventurers (plus three) entrance to the town, where the streets are lively and festive.


At the guard’s suggestion, everyone heads to the Blue Water Inn. The BWI has the same eerie décor as the gates, with wolf heads adorning the walls. (Some fur-clad fellow at the end of the bar is the hunter who supplied all of the decorations. His name is Szoldar Szoldarovich.)

At the BWI, they meet a bar maid, Danica who is kind enough, being a mother herself, to give the children a drink. Aydin, Thaldir (to share with the children), Term purchase some mutton plates, while Tilly and Syrren opt for a one-copper vegetable plate. Mutton goes for two coppers a plate in these parts, but something with a higher price tag catches Syrren’s eye. He inquires about the shiny bottle on the shelf, which the bar maid tells him is Red Dragon Crush. He purchases a bottle for one gold, then Thaldir follows suit.

The group divides up into roomies for the night, and a disagreement breaks out between Tilly and Thaldir over where the little ones are going to sleep. Of course, the traumatized, delusional children choose the dwarf. (No accounting for taste.) With hurt feelings, Tilly buys a bottle of the Red Dragon Crush with a gold piece in her pocket. (All of our purchases, including the rooms and wine, cost around 10 gold from our spoils and booty…well worth the price.)


After a day and a half of rest, they are awake, refreshed. The morning’s entertainment included a scuffle at the bar, a missing girl – who the adventurers discover is the same Anabelle they are headed to visit, and the discovery that shipments from the winery have been greatly delayed, of late.

Tilly pays the bar maid to keep an eye on the children for the day. She reluctantly agrees, but she reminds them that they must come back before dark to get Myrtle, Jasper, and Ludo. Is an orphanage the right answer for the precious little waifs? The bar maid asks if this group can find out the reason for the problem with the shipments. She gives them a map to see the Wizard of Wines. (So, we’re off to see the wizard…the wonderful wizard of wines.)

Before setting off on the nine-hour journey to the winery, the crew of heroes must stop and talk to their Vistani friends to find out how they can help locate the sweet Annabelle. But, they also must weigh how much it will delay them on their quest to confront and defeat the Evil One. As long as these Bedouin Barbarians, Brutes, and Bard stay in Vallaki, the can’t even say “his” name or bring an ounce of less than good cheer.

With all of these options to face triumph and death laid out in front of them, what will our heroes do next?

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