Session 6 A Visit from Strahd


In the last session the group heard the omious sound of the chuch bell and found father Donavich dead inside, having hung himself from the church bell’s rope behind the alter.

Aydin hops up onto the Alter and cuts father Donavich down and places him gently on the floor next to the body of Doru. They decide to leave the bodies behind and Ismark says he will send someone to bury them the next day. They then head back to the Burgomaster’s Manor to get some much needed sleep.


The party arrives back at the Burgomaster’s Manor and they go inside. Thaldir decides to eat one of the pies that Granny had given him and feels refreshed and strong. He enjoys the pie a lot. The rest of the party talk a little and Thaldir and Syrren start talking and the group learns that Syrren can help them decipher the letter that Straldir had on his body.

As they are talking, they hear a loud knock on the door and soon a woman rushes through the door who is frantic and crying. They learn that this is “Mad Mary” and her daughter Gertruda has been missing for over a week. Ismark then suggests he take her home as it is getting late and Thaldir, Tilly and Term (The 3 T’s) all leave the manor to go take Mary home. Aydin, Jaylyn and Syrren stay behind to help guard and protect Ireena.


At the home of Mad Mary, the 3 T’s go inside with Mary. They follow her upstairs where she breaks down crying in her bedroom, grabbing an old malformed doll and clutching it as she weeps. They try to comfort Mad Mary but she is lost to her sorrow. They head out of the room and find Gertruda’s bedroom at the end of the hall.

As they enter the room they see a tray holding a broken kettle and cup laying shattered on the floor. The room had a shelf of books and the window was open, a breeze causing the curtains to billow. Thaldir examines the books and sees a book on the bed laying open. It is titled, Stories from Barovia” by Rudolph van Richten. Upon examaning the book, he learned that it was a collection of legends and fairy-tales. One page earmarked to a rapunzel-like story about a young girl who was locked up by her evil step-mother, saved by a handsome prince and taken to his castle to live happily ever after.

They finally leave after a bit more searching and head back to the Burgomaster’s Manor.


As soon as the door closed as the others left to escort Mad Mary Home, Ireena looked sad.

“Poor Mary. It is quite obvious what has happened at this point. Gertruda has been missing long enough that she is now a lost cause. She either was out in the woods where there are creatures who would eat her, or Strahd has taken her himself. It’s a shame really. Don’t you guys go risking your own lives running off into the woods to search for the girl. It is a fools quest. I’ve heard rumors of the devilish witch women that collect in Berez. If Gertruda is alive, perhaps she may of fallen in with them. Who is to say.”

Syrren and Aydin ask about Berez and Ireena tells a tale.

“I apologize. We do not see many outsiders here and I forgot you may not know our history. What I can tell you about Berez is that the people who once lived there did something to anger Strahd in some way. He killed their Burgomaster and the priest that lived there and then used his power over the land to swell the river, flooding the village and forcing the residents to flee in a single day. Now there is only marsh there and the villagers never were able to return. It remains abandoned to this day, although it is rumored that witches live there now and have claimed the land as their own. It is a sad story. It is often told to children to remind them of Strahd’s immense power over the land and how crossing Strahd generally only leads to tragedy.”


When both groups were back together again, Ireena thanked the group and told them she felt safe with them. Ismark then said,

“Well friends, you should set off early in the morning. I know you have things you wanted to do. According to the directions that Sorvia gave you to see Madam Eva, it appears it shouldn’t take you too far out of the way on your way to Vallaki with Ireena. I am familiar with the directions and it will take you approximately 6 hours of travel to get there. The camp sounds like an excellent place to camp for the evening tomorrow. I wish I could accompany you, but alas my duties as the new Burgomaster will keep me busy for a while. There are certainly things here that I need to take care of. It is getting late, I suggest everyone turn in for the evening and get some rest.”

As he said that the sounds of several wolves howling sounded from outside. Ismark and Ireena both turned pale and Ireena remarked, “It appears our luck as run out. It is going to be a very long night after all …”

More and more howling and growls started to intensify and then as suddenly as the noise started, it stopped and became errily silent. A moment later, the loud booming knock came from the door and Ismark said he knew it had to be Strahd. He warmed the party that no matter what to not invite Strahd inside and do NOT look him into his eyes as the night holds his power.

Ismark moved toward the door, his shoulders slumping. He slowly moved a shaking hand and turned the doorknob. As the door swings open, it revealed Strahd standing regally dressed and smiling, holding a basket.

“Ah good, Ismark. Thank you for answering the door, may I come in?”, says Strahd

“No Strahd. Whatever you have to say you can say it outside my door,” replied Ismark.

“Very well. Please take this basket as a gift. Give it to my friends I see behind you and there is a note in there for my love, Ireena”

Ismark took the basket and sat it down on a table next to the door.

“I just wanted to say that I was moved by the funerals today. I am glad you got to bury your dead. I also have never seen a dwarf buried in that manor before. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it. I felt I needed to pay my respects personally tonight to let you know how I feel.

I have decided to give you this final night of peace. However, should you decide to stay another night, I cannot promise anything else.

Before I forget, I suggest you enjoy the basket this time. I do hate it when people are rude when I am trying to do something nice for them. I left you a note inside, I hope you enjoy reading it. Until next we meet,” he said, then then he walked into the mists and vanished into the night.

The heroes reviewed the Letter from Strahd and discovered the gifts that were inside. Ireena reluctantly shares the letter she received as well. Afterward, a bit shaken by the visit, the party decide to go to bed for the evening.


The heroes awake the next morning to the wonderful smells of breakfast being cooked. Thaldir has vivid and amazing dreams but wakes up feeling a bit groggy. Jaylin discovers something under his pillow while sleeping and decides to keep that information to himself for now.

Everyone wakes up and heads downstairs where they find Ismark has gone to the local store and is cooking up a huge breakfast for them. He wanted to give them a good sendoff and thanks for helping to escort his sister to Vallaki. Ireena writes a “F_ YOU” letter and leaves it for Strahd.

Ismark offers to take care of Lancelot and the heroes depart from the Manor.


Before leaving the village of Barovia, they stop off at Bildrath’s and pick up Parriwinkle who agrees to escort them to the area his uncle spoke about. After they pick him up and begin to leave the village they see a few posters about Granny’s pies and then see Granny herself with her cart and a long line of people lined up to buy her pies. Thaldir looks overjoyed and stands in line to get one and convinces Aydin to buy one as well. Everything on Granny’s menu looks so good. After getting their pies, they continue on their way out of town. After an hour the group arrives at a the River Ivlis bridge and they begin their search for Bildrath’s bundles heading downstream and exploring.

We end the session and start the search for Bildrath’s bundles in our next session.

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