Session 20 Secrets of Wachterhaus and of Ravens

On the Road to Wachterhaus

The travelers leave the Baron’s house and head in the direction of Lady Watcher’s house. As they go, a crowd of townspeople gather around them, shouting, “You are the saviors! You saved us!” A few bold citizens come forward to suggest that the band of heroes should run the town instead of the Baron. Flattered, Thaldir recognizes that this could be dangerous for everyone involved. And, sure enough, they are soon approached by several guards, who try to break up the crowd and drag people back to preparing for the festival.

Next, they encounter two of the little children who told them of the dolls that look like Syrren. The little ones are glad to see their friends again and have news for them. They whisper about the impending riot that the townspeople are planning. Syrren gives them two goodberries and implores them to find a hiding place as a retreat for when trouble starts. They consent and run off happily.

As they continue to Lady Watcher’s house, Ireena expresses her concerns about going to see the mysterious noble woman again. She tells her protectors that they should all be very cautious when dealing with Lady Watcher. Despite her misgivings, she is willing to accompany them to see Lady Watcher that evening.

The group continues to chat and discuss what steps they need to take to ensure the safety of Ireena. Tilly suggests that Ireena might want to live with Vasilli. Ireena agrees, provided the handsome gent would have her. The orphanage is also a place that might be safe enough for her. Any option has to be better than the church, according to Ireena, since she can’t get the image of the murdered priest out of her mind.

The story of Leo Dilisnya


They join Lady Watcher in her sitting room, and she brings up the events of the previous day. She casts all of the blame on the Baron, as he must have angered Strahd to bring about such an attack. It comes as a shock to her guests that Lady Watcher appears to be taking the side of the Devil himself. Sensing their bewilderment, she tells them the story of her family’s connection to Strahd, who was once a leader of armies.

Fiona Wachter

“He’s not that bad, you know. Strahd. Yes, he’s a monster and a harsh ruler in some people’s eyes, depending on what you hear. But he’s also a man of honor and integrity – especially to those who he has good ties with.

“Have you heard the story of Leo Dilisnya? Let me tell you…

“Long ago, before Strahd became a vampire, he was a commander of armies. He had many trusted lieutenants in his ranks, who had served him and his family for years: among them were Alec Gwilym, Lady Ilona, and – Leo Dilisyna.

“Years later, Strahd’s younger brother moved to Barovia, and fell in love with a local girl. The wedding was to be held at Castle Ravenloft, in its glorious chapel. The joyous day should’ve been a celebration of love and happiness, but it was also the day that the traitor decided to make his move.

“Leo Dilisnya and his men attempted a coup, to take over Barovia for themselves, and to rid the world of the Von Zaroviches and their allies forever. They massacred countless unarmed and defenceless men, women and children that day. Strahd’s brother and his bride-to-be were amongst the dead as well. I lost many ancestors – the only survivors from the Wachter family were the patriarch Vincent, and his young daughter: Lovina. Poor Vincent saw his wife and the rest of his children slaughtered before his eyes, by the hands of treacherous cowards.

“Strahd was badly wounded during the attack, but managed to fight back – and annihilated the treacherous scum. All but one of them perished. The sole survivor, who fled on horseback? Leo Dilisnya himself, the orchestrator of the attack.

“Strahd and my ancestor Vincent spent decades searching for Leo, so that they could exact their vengeance upon him. However, so much time passed that Vincent died of old age and natural causes before he could complete his lifelong quest.

“Around fifty years after that fateful day, with little Lovina Wachter now in her mid-fifties, she discovered the coward Leo Dilisnya’s hiding place: a nearby monastery. She wrote to Strahd to tell him, and Strahd sent one of his servants – to find out more from Lovina. Strahd promised Lovina that justice would be sought – and that it would be brutal. A fate fitting of the man’s disgusting act. Both Strahd and Lovina had dreamt of a thousand ways to slay the man – but Strahd knew what was to be done…

“Strahd managed to capture Leo (who by this time was an old man), and brought him to the Wachter estate. Leo was already dead by this point. Strahd instructed that an unusual coffin be made for him: a box of thick concrete, sealed shut. Airtight. The next night, Strahd asked Lovina to listen to it, and they heard Leo ‘awaken.’ No longer alive, nor strictly dead. Given his state, he didn’t need air, or water, or food. Just blood. He begged to be let out, but Strahd’s orders were that he would remain in that box. For days. Weeks. Months.

“Have you ever seen a vampire or vampire spawn go hungry? They slowly begin to lose their mind after just a few weeks or months. Lovina kept Leo in there for twenty years. When they broke open the coffin, he looked pitiful. Unable to move or attack. But his mind was still sharp. They finally ended his suffering by driving a stake into his heart. His bones were placed inside an iron box, and my family has held onto that box – it is currently in my care.

“And that is the story of the traitor Leo Dilisnya. Strahd works with those who work with him. He avenges those who deserve vengeance. And he destroys those who defy him and the people that he respects. And they suffer the grisliest of fates…”

The group of would-be heroes has many questions about the bones and their whereabouts, but they continue listening to Lady Watcher’s stories of her family’s history of love, war, and respect for the Devil Straud.

Questions on Stella and Victor

She also recounts the nature of her feud with the Burgomaster over how her daughter Stella was treated by Victor Vallakovich. Thaldir and Tilly appeal to Lady Watcher on Victor’s behalf, assuring her that the tortured young man loves Stella with all of his heart.

Lady Watcher softens a bit at hearing this and agrees to let the group speak with her daughter. Before they head upstairs, Tilly restates her concerns about Lady Watcher’s apparent alignment with Strahd, but she agrees to put that aside to deal with the present unrest in the town.

Stella the Cat

Stella Wachter

When they ascend the stairs, they come to a room with scratches on the door. Believing this to be Stella’s room, they use Lady Watcher’s key to open the door. They enter a dark, bare room, containing a bed with straps. From the darkest corner of the room, Stella emerges, crawling and purring softly. Tilly approach her, speaking softly, and gets down on the floor to pat her head. She tries speaking to Stella telepathically, but receives only “I am kitty,” as a reply.

Poor Stella is cursed beyond what the group can reverse, so they take their leave of the room. They follow Stella down the hallway as she enters another room, jumps to the bed, and tries to open the window. Term blocks her from leaping out the window. Next, they turn their attention to another room. Stella sits quietly in the hallway outside it, so they use the key to enter. It’s an ordinary room with a woman inside who is sweeping the floor. Her name Amethia, and she grew up working in the Watcher household.


Amylthia tells them about Lady Stella and her nightly wandering. Stella often wanders the hallway looking for her two brothers, Nikolai and Carl. Apparently the two are known for carousing, womanizing, and generally causing trouble.

She also shares that Stella has been known to behave very differently around the time of the full moon. During these times, Stella changes into a strong, combative version of herself. She is typically chained up because her outbursts are violent and she would likely pick the lock, were she not chained up. The explorers thank Amalthia, and go to return Lady Watcher’s keys.

Before leaving her, they inquire about the monthly change that Stella undergoes. Lady Watcher presses them to find out how they knew about the change. They evade her question, but she is not forthcoming with the answers they seek. As her servant Ernst enters the room, she tries to dismiss them. Tilly engages Ernst in conversation, and he seems very pleased to hear that they have found a new home for Piddlwick II.

When Tilly asks him why, he says that, on his last trip to Castle Ravenloft to deliver the “tax” payment, he saw the little imp tied up. “Strahd imprisoned the murderous little fiend, with good reason!”

Both Ernst and Lady Watcher seems anxious for them to leave, so they head back to the Blue Water Inn.

Hanging with Nikolai and Carl Wachter

Blue Water Inn

The Blue Water Inn is buzzing with activity. They order food and drink, and Tilly offers to sing a few songs. The barmaid points out Nikolai and Carl across the room, so Tilly approaches them. The two brothers are more than happy to make friends with her and the other travelers. They spend time drinking and laughing. When the subject of Stella and Victor is raised, their demeanor changes. Carl and Nikolai vow to take their revenge on Victor for changing Stella into a cat.

During their cavorting and celebrating, Nikolai has to excuse himself to “drop a couple of kids off at the pool.” Carl, who is certainly the talkative one, tells them of the rumor that the Baron murdered his own father. He also shares their plans to make mischief later that night by releasing people from the reformation center (stocks). When Nikolai returns, he looks unwell. It seems the chowder disagreed with him to the point that he soiled his outfit. He heads back to the Watcher house for a quick wardrobe change.

Carl continues to talk and eventually brings up Izek and the need for him to be overthrown. When two guards come in and approach the table, Carl is shocked that the guard greets the traveling band so warmly. It turns out that one of the guards is the very same one who helped them acquire their paperwork.

Despite his dislike for the guards and anyone else who is loyal to the Baron, Carl seems to like Syrren, Tilly, Thaldir, Jaylin, and Aydin. They continue to drink and talk, talk and drink. Thaldir spies Ireena and Vasili talking in a quiet corner and goes over to say hello. Tilly follows and tries to cement the match between Vasili and Ireena. Vasili seems to respect and admire Ireena, and he says she is always welcome to stay with him.


When the conversation turns to Lady Watcher, Vasili vacillates about the direction of the town. He says that, though Lady Watcher is capable of doing the job, she is a determined and very focused on some prophecy. He knows that the town has grown skeptical of the Baron’s leadership. Thaldir questions whether he would support either candidate, and Vasili shakes his head “no.” He tends to stay neutral, despite being a member of one of the most powerful houses.

The conversation continues amiably, until Tilly and Thaldir leave the lovebirds to their date. Syrren comes and drags a brokenhearted Aydin (who stands pitifully close to the couple, watching) away. As they rejoin the party, Tilly goes to sing one more song. Danika asks to speak to them privately, and Tilly joins them in the room when she finishes performing.

Danika’s Secret


Danika decides to tell them of her unique “condition” as a wereraven. She and her husband have sensed that something is coming to pass in Vallaki very soon. She warns them to be extremely cautious of Lady Watcher, the prophecy with which she is obsessed, and the cult she allegedly controls. Danika and her order of wereraven find hope in the arrival of this band of heroes.

When they tell Danika of the bones, she implores them to discover the bones and bring them to her. Tilly plans to send her Uncle Mortimer back to check in with Danika as they travel. She pulls him from insider her vest and perches the ebony raven on her shoulder. This interests Danika because, as she says, it is not typical for a wereraven to remain in raven form. She offers to help him if she can.

Syrren decides to use his ability to talk to Mortimer. What he learns is shocking to the whole group. Mortimer says that he has brought shame and sorrow on his family. He failed to protect Tilly’s friend, the one whom she loved and trusted most. He was carried off into the mists by wolves, never to be seen again. Tilly sobs while Term comforts her. Syrren conveys a final message to Uncle Mortimer. A single tear falls from the raven’s eye, as Syrren says, “Tilly forgives you.” Danika assures Tilly that the key to unlocking

Uncle Mortimer’s form is to find her friend.

After the heavy conversation with Danika, they emerge from the room to find Carl passed out. They offer to escort (drag) Carl home, presenting the perfect opportunity to do some more digging at the Watcher mansion…

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