Session 16 Battle with Vampire Spawn

A Battle Breaks Out

2nd Floor – Coffin Maker’s Shop

When we last saw our heroes Syrren had just opened a crate, when a bloodcurdling scream came from the crates and the room was filled with six (6) vampire spawn. A great battle ensues with one of the vampire spawn jumping out the window.

During the course of the fight, a couple of the vampire spawn jumped out the window. Term and Ireena jumped out to follow and Term managed to snag the bag of bones that one of the spawn was carrying and grabbed a couple of bones. They then managed to find a few of the towns guards and the guards in turn panicked and tossed torches into the windows of the Coffin Maker’s shop.

Coffin Maker’s Shop on Fire

Term and Ireena rejoined the fight. The battle continued for a while, and after a bit Vasili showed up and slaughtered one of the spawn. They then ran out of the shop only to see Strahd in full battle dress flying high overhead mounted on his flying black horse.

The spawn had caused much destruction to this area of the city which had caught fire and had killed many of the towns folk in their plight to the church.

Vallaki on Fire

The party made their way through the town and finally caught up to the spawn only to find Strahd waiting for them at the entrance.

Death of Father Lucian

St. Andral’s Church

As the group showed up, Ludmilla, brought out Father Lucian and gave him to Strahd who quickly cut his throat and he fell to the ground. Strahd then tossed the bones on the ground and caught them on fire where they began to burn. Strahd then mounted his horse and flew back off into the sky.

Term cast catapult and the charred bones flew to him. They all rushed back into the church and fought the remaining vampire spawn. Ireena went below the church and tried to set the charred bones on the alter but nothing seemed to happen.

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